

A tradition is a belief or behavior passed down within a group or society with symbolic meaning or special significance with origins in the past. Wikipedia

As long as I can remember our family has celebrated many traditions. As a kid, it always added to the excitement of the event.

Christmas Eve’s dinner is pizza. No exceptions! It does not matter if it is Chef Boyardee make it yourself pizza, order/ pick-up or delivery. We have pizza! Thank goodness pizza is a favorite in our house and is not really a hard sell.

For Thanksgiving, we light and release lanterns to symbolize a significance. Perhaps a wish, something you are grateful for, something you needed to let go, OR, send love up and connect again to those that we have lost along the way.

From the time your lantern is lit you stand in anticipation for the moment it can soar above you, all on its own, and dance further and further into the sky. When you let your lantern go, it is at that very moment when your breath is almost taken from you with the realization the universe has absorbed your thoughts….. And in return, given your heart permission to be full.

Like Christmas trees and Easter egg hunts and the block party on the last day of summer, we do things because traditions feel cozy and safe.
— Corey Ann Haydu

Kim Chevez